The strain energy release rate of the crack propagation was calculated by using virtual crack closure technique, and fatigue life was forecasted. 采用虚拟裂纹闭合技术计算裂纹扩展的应变能释放率,并对裂纹扩展寿命进行计算。
Analysis of strain energy release rate based on virtual crack closure technique 基于虚拟裂纹闭合技术的应变能释放率分析
In this model, the plastic zone induced by the overload is affected by the three-dimensional constraints, and it leads to significant influence on the crack closure and growth rate. 在此模型中,裂尖的三维约束状态显著影响超载塑性区,从而显著影响裂纹的闭合和扩展速率。
Base on this theory, the geometric model for analysis of open crack closure is established. 在此基础上,建立裂纹面闭合分析的几何模型。
The characterization of plasticity induced fatigue crack closure based on numerical analysis 疲劳裂纹塑性闭合特性的数值分析方法
The fatigue behavior for aluminum-lithium alloys 8090 and 2090 were investigated, which concerns with the growth rate of fatigue cracks, nominal and intrinsic threshold, crack closure effect, crack wake effect and fatigue life free crack. 研究了8090中强铝锂合金和2090高强铝锂合金的疲劳特性,包括疲劳裂纹扩展速率、名义和本征门槛值、裂纹闭合效应、尾迹效应、无裂纹疲劳寿命。
Fatigue Crack Closure and Crack Growth 疲劳裂纹的闭合和扩张行为
An extensive discussion is made of the effects of materials, specimen geometries, environments, stress ratios and load spectrum on the behaviors of crack closure. 文中详细评述了材料,试样几何,环境,应力比以及载荷谱等因素对疲劳裂纹闭合行为的影响,指出了目前研究工作中存在的问题,提出了今后研究工作的方向。
Two-dimensional stress intensity factors are solved by BEM with crack closure integrals. 应用边界元法结合裂纹闭合积分求解二维裂纹应力强度因子。
The Effects of Welding Residual Stresses on Fatigue Crack Closure and Propagation Rates 焊接残余应力对裂纹闭合与疲劳裂纹扩展速率的影响
Fatigue Short through-thickness crack closure and growth in the residual stress field 疲劳短裂纹在残余应力场中的闭合和扩展
Influence of Compressive Stresses on Fatigue Crack Closure 压应力对疲劳裂纹闭合的影响
Compressive residual stress increases the crack closure effect at the notch and may lead to a non-propagating crack. 残余压应力使缺口处裂纹闭合力增大甚至可出现非扩展裂纹。
This paper analyzes the crack closure phenomenon caused by the fatigue crack plasticity at precracks. The stress intensity factor of crack openings can be represented approximately as a function of the load stress and the amount of crack extension. 本研究对从预裂纹处萌生的疲劳裂纹的塑性诱发裂纹闭合现象进行了解析,裂纹的张开应力强度因子可近似地用负荷应力及裂纹扩展量的函数来表示。
The fatigue crack closure and fatigue crack growth rate in the high strain region of SCT specimen are studied. 本文研究了SCT试样高应变区的疲劳裂纹闭合效应和疲劳裂纹扩展速率。
Prediction of fatigue crack growth based on the analytical crack closure model and neural networks 基于裂纹闭合解析模型和神经网络理论的疲劳裂纹扩展速率的计算
The typical quantitative models on the crack closure are introduced and commented as well. 此外,还就疲劳裂纹闭合现象的几种有代表性的定量模型做了介绍和评论。
In the testing, stress ratio near threshold region was high and crack closure effect was removed. 此方法在测出ΔKth时应力比R已经很高,实际上已不存在裂纹闭合效应的影响。
Effect of liquid viscosity induced crack closure on corrosion fatigue 液体粘滞性裂纹闭合对水溶液中腐蚀疲劳的影响
On the base of large experimental data set, the influence of effective pressure on rock velocities is analyzed with regression method and the theory of crack closure. 根据大量的实验资料,本文分析了砂岩样品的纵横波速度和有效压力的关系,对实验结果进行了回归分析,并用裂隙闭合理论进行了解释。
Crack closure effect is important for metal fatigue. Crack closure was used to describe the crack growth under variable amplitude loading. Many effective stress intensity factor calculation models based on the crack closure concept were reported. 裂纹闭合效应在金属疲劳中有着十分重要的作用,裂纹闭合概念已经用于解释变幅载荷作用下的裂纹扩展问题,已提出了许多基于裂纹闭合概念的有效应力强度因子计算模型。
Numerical simulation of surface crack propagation considering the crack closure effects and the three-dimensional stress constraints 考虑闭合效应和三维应力约束的表面裂纹扩展模拟
Prediction models of fatigue crack closure and growth under random loading 随机载荷下疲劳裂纹的闭合和扩展估算模型
The crack closure is dynamically measured by means of interferometric strain-displacement gauge ( ISDG). 用激光干涉应变-位移测量仪(ISDG)进行了裂纹闭合点的高精度动态测量。
The effect of notch condition on SFC growth were explained in terms of the crack closure and the local plasticity at the notch root. 用闭合效应和缺口根部塑性区大小解释了缺口状态对短裂纹扩展的影响。
Determination of fatigue crack closure effect by compliance technique and numerical method 用柔度法和数值法确定疲劳裂纹的闭合效应
Progresses In Study On Fatigue Crack Closure 疲劳裂纹闭合研究的进展
The fatigue crack growth data which are obtained by whether the crack closure is taken into account or not during the crack propagation and by utilizing the equivalent stress method are compared. And a particular process of calculation is presented. 比较分析了在裂纹扩展过程中是否考虑裂纹闭合效应以及通过等效应力法计算的疲劳裂纹扩展数据,并给出了详细的计算过程。
Finally, using the VCCT ( virtual crack closure technique) and numerical method, I analyze the fracture issue on the foundation structure and gives relevant examples. 最后采用虚拟裂纹闭合法和数值计算方法,对基础结构的断裂问题进行了分析,并给出了相关算例。